Thursday 18 May 2017

Various Services Offered by the Digital Marketing Agency India

In an umbrella terminology, digital marketing is a marketing tool that includes podcasts, internet, mobile applications, and any other form of digital media, though the internet is the focal point of all tools and channels at a digital marketer’s disposal. Unlike the different marketing tactics, the digital marketing agency India is far way different from the traditional marketing agency. Gone are the days when marketers use to advertise on radio, TV, and magazines. Instead, there comes a team of consultants, creative heads, strategy planner, and web developers that work together in an organized manner from the ground up to deliver measurable results. Thus, a digital marketing agency is a trusted engine for brand development and lead generation.
There are various departments at the Digital Marketing Agency India that are teamed up to deliver quantifiable results:
  • Business development – The BD team is responsible for the same operations as in any other firm that is, building links with the potential customers and prospective clients, bring new business to the agency, and handle contracts and SLAs.
  • Client servicing – Having a strong bonding with the clients is really essential for any business and this is what the client servicing department or team does. Once the BD department boards the client, the client servicing executives are responsible for coordinating with the client requirement on the daily basis. Then they plan the strategies according to the requirements and ask responsible departments to execute them.
  • Copywriting – The first and foremost step for implementing the strategy according to the client’s requirement is getting the relevant copy of the content including website content, blog posts, emails, social media posts, articles, digital advertisements, and so on. Usually, the team of department works with the SEO team to create content with focused keywords.
  • SEO team – The SEO team is focused on delivering the expected outcome to the clients, for which they hired the services of the Digital Marketing Agency India. The main focus of the team is to generate traffic and visibility of the website on the search engines.

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