Tuesday 28 March 2017

Why is Commodity trading better than Stock Market?

In India, commodity trading deals in the trade of metals, energy, and agricultural products only. It is generally carried out in the futures market. The futures market is one where a trader agrees to purchase a commodity after a certain period of time at a pre-determined price. As a matter of fact, commodities offer enormous potential to develop a discrete asset class for market-savvy investors, arbitrageurs, and speculators. The retail investors who claim to understand the equity markets may discover commodities as an immeasurable market. But commodities are easy to recognize as far as ground rules of demand and supply are concerned. Retail investors need to understand the rewards and risks incurred with the trading in commodities futures before taking a leap.

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Benefits of Commodity trading:
  1. Trading in future commodity has been the part of the economy for years. Investors are essential market participants who vaccinate liquidity and support hedgers to transfer the risk. The deficiency of investors will mean that there are fewer players in the market, making it tough and costly for participants to transfer the risk.
  2. All commodities are traded worldwide and the global-demand supply condition is broadly known and available to any person who reaches out for it. Therefore, understanding commodities is not difficult as the trading involves basic economic factors and seasonal cycles affecting the price of a commodity.
  3. Most exchanges put quality-check measures to make sure that the commodities are delivered to their warehouses meets the high quality standards. They also mark determinations to ensure that only quality stocks are delivered to buyers.
  4. Commodities are no more volatile than the stocks if the leverage is been removed.
  5. Today, a manufacturer of copper wire in Ludhiana can see the current international price of copper in the USA on his trading terminal. Likewise, a farmer in Punjab can determine the current price of wheat in Madhya Pradesh. By consenting wider contribution and participation, commodity exchange discourages cartelization by local traders and firms and facilitates them with fair price discovery.

Website Designing Company in Bhopal Delivers Best-in-Class Service

Would you like to have a website design for your company that showcases your brand’s image? Of course, you will want that unique and creative website for your business. We are the leading Website Designing Company in Bhopal to deliver the quality and result-changing solutions to our clients. We have a portfolio of clients ranging from a small-scale business (such as restaurants) to government and large-scale companies. We design and create a website that perfectly fits into your budget and requirements because we believe a well-designed and well-structured website is a dynamic part of today’s modern marketing strategy. Whether it’s about creating a web design to lower bounce rates or generating traffic and income streams for your business, we have the solution for all your needs.


We start our designing process with a strong vision to drive the whole project. We measure our quality of service by how the design works rather than simply just how it appears. At Radical Tech Support we have achieved a reputation in the market by delivering tried and tested web designs that stand on its core aim. We begin by conducting a target market research to identify the goals of the business and then design a website accordingly. Before proceeding, we also discuss our concept with our client to design a website and apply the feedback and suggestions those are received by the clients. The concept is then shaped into a complete website design and its performance and layout. 

As a leading Website designing company in Bhopal, we strongly believe that website design is a quite broad service that encompasses through not only how it looks but also to develop a design in which all the other factors perform accurately. For example, the structure of the sitemap so that people can easily collect the business information and to ensure that the web pages are structured in a logical way. We make sure that the layout and information of each page are displayed clearly and it doesn’t get overcrowded.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Mobile App Development Company in India – A Cross Platform for Application Creation

The numbers of users for the internet are rapidly growing. Thus, to facilitate the user with the ease of use of the internet, a mobile app is developed that is a set of methods and procedures used for developing software for small and wireless computing devices such as the tablets or smartphones. Mobile app development Company in India works similarly as for developing a web application and it has its roots in traditional software development. One major difference, though, is that the mobile applications are every so often written specially to take benefit of the unique structure that specific mobile device offers.  For instance, a gaming app could be carved to take advantage of the iPhone's accelerometer.


Services offered by the Mobile app Development Company in India include:
  • iPad App development – We are dedicated for developing the iPad apps that are highly yielding. The expert professional team delivers superior quality in app development through extensively making bug-free iPad apps.
  • iPhone app development – Since the introduction to the iOS technological advancements, we develop user friendly iPhone applications that will not only make the rewarding performance but will also be easy to use. So, that, you don’t need to put lot of efforts to understand the functionality of the application.
  • Android app development – Whether it is a social media, health care, doctor, restaurants, education, government, or any other sector, the team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals are capable to develop every sort of Android applications for the smartphones and tablets. The developers are completely dedicated and passionate for creating the best quality of mobile app meeting the client’s need.
Mobile app development Company in India can assist you to understand the business need of the application:
  • Defining success – what will be the success for you? The number of downloads, or the number of active users for the app?
  • Setting a budget – the range of mobile app development can vary as per the need of the business from thousands to lakhs or even crores of rupees.
  • What will be the feature – understand and analyzing the workflow of the business and then crafting the features of the app accordingly.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

How Aviation Industry Can Utilize the Practices of Bulk SMS

Bulk-SMS service at present is treated as one of the most upgraded and advanced sources of online marketing. Using such kind of marketing strategy can expand the online trafficking to a great extent. This generated traffic then leads to a greater conversion of potential customers to real customers so that the business objective can be reached. Bulk SMS in Indore is a service which can be hired for every business or industry type. Whether it’s an aviation industry or a retailer’s store, all need an effective channel to interact with their customer and clients. Indian market studies specify that spending on bulk SMSs is the most operational method for every industry type.


How does buying Bulk SMS in Indore is useful in Aviation industry?

Promoting ticket sales – The ticket price for the airline fluctuates as per the demand of the tickets. For example, at the time of New Year holidays, the ticket price for traveling from Indore to Goa values for around 10,000 per person. And the same ticket price falls during the off season when there are not many travelers demanding for the ticket. In such case, when an aviation company opens up a ticket sale, the customers are required to be informed about the opportunity. As well as there can be several companies providing the tickets for the same flight at different price values. Therefore, the clients are required constant information regarding the best prices for a flight between the cities.

Promotional discount and coupons – We Indians easily gets attracted to discounts and coupons offered by the company. Therefore, there can be no better way other than Bulk SMS in Indore to effectively distribute the discounts and coupons in the aviation industry. Most aviation companies announce their last minute special rates to sell the ticket and to promote the sell they need some effective and quick channel to reach their clients.

Flight scheduling – Climatic conditions can change at any time and due to which the flight scheduling gets affected. Bulk SMS can inform the customer in advance about the delayed or canceled flight so that they can look for some alternatives.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Benefits of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

There is no doubt that the world is rapidly moving from analog to digital technology. The numbers of people are increasing every day for the consumption of digital content via mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. The organizations which have not recognized the importance of digital marketing strategies will lack somewhere in achieving their desired objectives. Digital Marketing Agency understands that the technology is expanding quickly and thus, plans a strategy for a business needs to meet the current scenario of the market. The benefit of digital marketing strategies is that they are fast and reliable, versatile, practical, and streamlined. An effective digital marketing strategy can be planned by combining the following key forms:

  • Internet banner advertisement
  • Website and SEO content
  • Online video content
  • Blogs and website blogs
  • E-mail marketing
  • Par-per-click advertising
  • Social media marketing (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.)
  • Mobile marketing through SMS, MMS, and Calls.
Advantages of Digital Marketing:
  • Cost effective –Digital Marketing Agency offers planning and implementing a cost-effective strategy for your business needs. This is specifically important for small businesses because they don’t have many resources available. Therefore, digital media channels can offer you with economic and highly effective marketing networks.
  • Connect to customers – Digital media channels allows a business to connect with their customers more effectively than the traditional channels of communication such as billboards, direct mail, print advertising, transit marketing, etc. An online presence of a business can give strength which can be directly linked to the success of a business.
  • High ROI and revenues – Your online presence will increase the number of customer for your business which eventually results in increased ROI and revenue generation.
  • Track your customer journey – Digital channels comes along with several tools to make the marketing more effective. Digital Marketing Agency uses a Google analytics tool to monitor the customers of actions and preferences and analyzes the results to get a better insight into their behavior. Analyzing customer behavior can help a business to develop the persona of their customer for offering them a perfect experience of dealing with your organization’s product and services.